I’m going to be blunt here. The weather has sucked for my long runs recently. I’m convinced that my 17-milers are cursed. (As are my 2.5 mile runs. Seriously, I avoid 2.5 mile runs like the plague.) Unfortunately those 17 mile runs are much more difficult to avoid. Can’t cut them back without negatively impacting my training plan, and can’t add to them without the dreaded ” too much, too soon” warning.

On my long run days we’ve had near constant rain with dropping temperatures, some wind, and a 4:30 sunset, so it gets dark very early. But if I’m honest…this is pretty typical weather for Tennessee. And looking back, maybe it’s been a little better than last year. I’m just running for longer distances. So how am I dealing with this?

I’m crushing it! I won’t claim to have the best attitude, but the Dopey Challenge (48.6 mi) is less than 40 days away and I will not compromise that race.

So for those future 17-milers that are bound to happen, and because they are clearly cursed, I’m sharing a few things that have helped me get through.

  1. Pack multiple outfits and plan on changing at the halfway point. Dry socks are crucial for happy, blister-free feet.
  2. Body Glide only works when applied on dry skin. Don’t forget to prevent chaffing before getting out in the rain.
  3. If it’s bad out or particularly difficult, run near a checkpoint. A few minutes to reset in the car can provide the mental (and physical) boost to complete the run. (Something hot to drink is also helpful. Thanks, Jonathan!)
  4. If there’s lightning, call it done. Check out if any gyms have a day pass, or hop on the CycleOps for some indoor cross-training.

Run strong,